Troubleshooting Guide: Tesla App Not Connecting to Car


The Tesla mobile app is a powerful tool that allows Tesla owners to control various aspects of their vehicle remotely. From monitoring charge levels to pre-conditioning the interior, the app enhances the overall Tesla ownership experience. However, there may be instances where the Tesla app fails to connect to the car, causing frustration among users. In this article, we will explore common issues and provide solutions to help you get your Tesla app up and running again.

1. Check Internet Connection

The most common reason for the Tesla app not connecting to the car is a poor or unstable internet connection. Ensure that your mobile device has a strong and stable Wi-Fi or cellular connection before attempting to connect to your Tesla.

2. Update App and Car Software

Outdated software can often result in connection problems. Make sure both your Tesla app and car’s software are up to date. Check for any available updates in the app store and go to your car’s settings menu to update its software if needed.

3. Restart App and Car

Try closing the Tesla app completely and then reopening it. Force close the app on your mobile device and relaunch it. Additionally, you can also restart your Tesla car by pressing and holding the brake pedal and the two scroll buttons on the steering wheel simultaneously.

4. Delete and Reinstall the App

If the previous steps do not resolve the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Tesla app on your mobile device. This can help fix any software glitches that may be causing the connection problem.

5. Reset Bluetooth and Pair Again

Resetting the Bluetooth connection between your mobile device and Tesla car can sometimes resolve connection issues. Go to your mobile device’s Bluetooth settings, remove the Tesla car from the list of paired devices, and then pair them again.

6. Contact Tesla Support

If none of the above solutions work, it is recommended to reach out to Tesla customer support for assistance. They have trained experts who can troubleshoot the issue further and provide tailored solutions.


Experiencing connection problems with the Tesla app can be frustrating, but by following these troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve the issue and get back to enjoying the convenience and control the app offers. Remember to ensure a stable internet connection and keep your app and car’s software up to date for a seamless experience.

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